Vice President’s 2011 Year-End Report
Past Presidents, Stan Shackell, and Bob Beers served along with me on this year’s Nominating Committee.
The following slate of potential officers was provided:
1.President: John Turner
2.Secretary/membership: Ken Schindler
3.FMCA Director: Judy Keeler
Elections were held and the vote was unanimously in favor of the slated names.
I want to thank Bob Beers and Stan Shackell for serving on this years Nominating Committee.
Also a special thank you to John, Ken, and Judy for serving our club.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Harris
Vice President
This is the first Secretary’s Year-end report since the illustrious Penny Braden volunteered way back in 2004-2005. I failed to submit one last year because I figured that the Membership Report said it all! Silly me. As Secretary I was the conduit between and among Club Officers, Rally Master, Wagon Masters, publications like Safari Trails, and of, of course, the general membership. Like Penny said, these past two years have been a tremendous time not only for me, but for my wife, Helen, as well. While I bear the brunt of direct contact and correspondence, these last two years have been tremendous times at rallies from Vancouver, BC; Lake Tahoe, Concrete, Albany, Redmond, Toppenish, Port Townsend, and Centralia.
This year we elected a new slate of officers and made some changes in policy, procedure and in doing so made a better, more efficient club. New members are already excited, involved, and willing to step in and take leadership positions. What better way to measure the success of the club! Tremendous times, wonderful friendships and who can forget the camaraderie that came from those fantastic Pre-Rallies at the Keeler Ranch. Based on projections for 2012, rallies will be a major part of our club and will continue to grow and be a source of pleasure for the membership.
Reports respectfully submitted,
Ken Anderson
Secretary/Membership Director
Membership Report 2011
Beginning Membership 1 January 2011: 60
Ending Membership 31 December 2011: 73
Net Gain: 13
That doesn’t really tell the whole story of this last year because we actually had 23 new or former members join the club. Several sold their TREKS, moved to other regions, or simply did not renew their membership for 2011.
Report respectfully submitted,
Ken Anderson
Secretary/Membership Director
2011 Rally Master’s Report
Rallies take months to plan and get announced, so for 2012 make your move now! It’s never too early to get it on the calendar. Asking for help to plan and do a good adventurous rally is a good way to involve other NWTFC friends and you can make new friends while planning and doing the work of making a rally fun for all.
In 2011 NWTFC had 5 rallies plus the NW-FMCA ‘Grab the Brass Ring’ rally that was held in Albany, Oregon. For 2012 that NW-FMCA rally will be in Coos Bay, Oregon at the Mill Casino. It will be fun with good food, entertainment and lots to see around that old Oregon coastal area. Hmm, a Casino, please don’t lose your shirt at the games and machines.
March Madness Founder’s Day Rally, Toppenish, WA March 17-21, 2011
What’s Cook’n 3rd Annual Pre-Rally, Salem, OR May 28 – June 1, 2011
Grab The Brass Ring – FMCA NW Area Rally, Albany, OR June 2 – 5, 2011
Alaska 2011, June 6 – August 14, 2011
Port Townsend, August 24-29, 2011
Octoberfest at Brazel’s, October 26-30, 2011
In 2011 Rally Planning resulted in these 5 fun times. They were all great rallies and all you have to do is click on the link to see a lot of very great pictures that reflect the “Good Times’ we had.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gene Nemish
Rally Master, NWTFC