President’s Year End Report
It is now March of 2013 and Marie and I are enjoying our time together in Arizona. Your NWTFC Webmaster has reminded me that I still need to complete my responsibilities for 2012 and write my yearend report. During the year 2012 we accomplished a lot and it needs to be documented.
In the fall of 2011 Penny Braden and her Executive Committee determined that the NWTFC Bylaws and Officers Job Descriptions needed to be updated to bring them more in line with the current bylaws of the FMCA and the current activities of your officers. During the first three or four months of 2012 your executive committee worked on each of these items. Our first attempt to make changes to our bylaws did not meet the approval of the FMCA review and we needed to make further changes. Our revised bylaws were approved by the NWTFC members that were in attendance at the Rogue River Adventure Rally in Gold Beach, Oregon and the revised bylaws are now posted on the NWTFC website.
During the late spring each of our officers reviewed the job description for their office and in cooperation with others that they had to interface with revised those job descriptions to more completely reflect their job and the interface that they have with others. In addition, Mary Carlson, our webmaster, prepared a job description for the webmaster position. Each of the revised job descriptions have now been posted on the NWTFC website for all to see.
Our members had the opportunity to attend the FMCA NW Area rally in Coos Bay, Oregon in June and three NWTFC rallies. In addition, some of our members attended the SW Trek Fun clubs annual gathering in January in Quatzite. Our first rally of the year was a pre-rally to the FMCA NW Area rally hosted by Lee and Judy Keeler in Winchester, Bay Oregon. In August Ed and Jeanette Block hosted the Rogue River Adventure rally in Gold Beach, Oregon. In October Bob and Peggy Beers hosted the Aero-Space rally in Kent, Washington. We all returned from the rally with more knowledge about airplanes that are both new and historic. See the rally reports on the website, including all of the pictures, to see who all attended and how much fun we had. Marie and I would like to thank each and every one of our rally hosts for the great jobs they did.
At the Rally in Kent in October Nancy Harris submitted the nomination committees proposed Slate of officers to be voted on in November. The nominees were Helen Anderson for vice President, Colleen Wright for treasurer and Peggy Beers for alternate national director. All three for elected during our annual election.
Marie and I have enjoyed our first year as president of the NWTFC and much of that enjoyment is due to our being able to spend time with so many of you at our rallies. We hope to spend more time with some of you at our 2013 rallies. Al and Virginia Zimmerman are hosting a rally in the Umqua Valley in May and Ron Mahugh and Mary Burchett will be hosting another rally in Port Townsend in August. We need another rally later in the year for our nomination committees presentation of their proposed slate of officers for 2014. I hope there is someone out there with plans for a third rally this year. If anyone has any ideas please contact either myself or one of your other officers and we will try to help you with your planning.
This report is submitted by John Turner, NWTFC President 2012/2013.
Vice Presidents 2012 Year-End Report
Past Presidents, Bob Beers and Penny Braden served along with me on this years Nominating Committee.
The following slate of potential officers and committee members was provided for elections:
Vice President: Helen Anderson
Treasurer: Colleen Wright
Alt. FMCA Director: Peggy Beers
2013 Nominating committee members: Penny Braden and Nancy Harris
Elections were held and the vote was unanimously in favor of the slated names.
I want to thank Penny and Bob for serving on the 2012 Nominating Committee. Also a Special Thanks to Helen, Colleen and Peggy for serving our club for the next 2013-2014 term.
Respectfully Submitted,
Nancy Harris
Vice President (2011-2012)
Last year was a difficult one for many members due to economic and health problems. Even though our dues are minuscule RV trips still necessitate gasoline and other expenses. Also, our members reflect the general aging population and find many of the tasks associated with RVing more difficult.
Nevertheless, the rewards in friendship, social contacts, and adventure are worth the struggle. Our membership currently is 65 strong, having lost 15 members and gaining 7 new ones last year. Most of our new members are attracted by the information and experience to be exchanged with other Trek owners, but are usually retained as members by the excellent rallies and friendships that ensue.
Reports respectfully submitted,
Ken Schindler,
Secretary/Membership Director