Minutes NW Trek Fun Club
(Cathlamet, Wa. Rally)
March 19, 2005
The meeting was called to order by President Bob Beers at 3:00 pm. For the benefit of new members, Bob gave a brief review of the short history of the club, and introduced his wife, Peggy, who wears several hats as Vice-President, Rallymaster and Nominating Committee Chair. She announced that next year’s elections will be held at the October rally and by email. She and Greg Hollister make up the nominating committee. She asked that the members please consider either volunteering for an office or recommending someone, and to submit names to either her BeersXX@aol.com or Greg ghollister@earthlink.net. The current officers interested in continuing are Judy Schindler as FMCA National Director and Bob Beers as Alternate National Director. The offices up for grabs are: President, Vice-President/Rallymaster, Secretary, Treasurer.
Peggy also gave a report for Pat Bohn, Treasurer, who was not able to attend this rally. We had a balance of $518.50 in the treasury, including a $200 donation from Monaco and not including the addition of 2 new members dues.
Penny Braden, Secretary, gave a brief report about the number of member coaches in the club – 44 as of this rally.
Judy Schindler, our FMCA National Director, reported that our club will be presented with a coffee urn and American flag by the FMCA at the regional rally June 9-11 in Albany, OR. She urged as many members as possible to attend & email her ppsforks@olypen.com if they are going. The Beers will be attending the April pre-planning meeting and if there are enough of us that are attending the June rally and willing to volunteer, they will see if they can find an interesting job for us to do. There is an FMCA rally in August in Minot, ND and we can send a representative from our club. Please let Judy know if you are able to attend the Minot rally. Check our website for links to these and many other FMCA and Safari rallies.
Jeanette Block was introduced as the artist and conceiver of our logo. She gave us some background of the evolution of our completed logo. She announced that the club will provide the club members with inexpensive name tags as part of club dues; a cloisonné pin of our logo (to be ordered through Jeanette for $5 each); and the ability to get the club logo as an embroidered patch or embroidered directly on any cloth article (cost & details to be provided later).
Phyllis & Roger Knight have volunteered to head up our next rally and made a special trip to join us at the business meeting, even though they couldnt attend the whole weekend. Their report sounded quite exciting. The rally venue is to be Ocean Park, WA (on Long Beach Peninsula), staying at the Ocean Park RV Resort October 7-9, 2005. There will be Friday potluck hors doeuvres, Saturday and Sunday breakfasts & a catered dinner Saturday night. The cost is expected to be $20 per person & $20/night/coach. Details will be provided later.
Greg Hollister, our webmaster, explained what he had put together for the club web site, how it would work, what it would cost us (free for this year), and what future plans he has for it. If you haven’t yet seen it, check it out at www.nwtfc.hr-ringkings.com. It’s awesome! It is a very good means of keeping in touch with the club for our wide-spread membership, as well as a good recruiting tool.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Braden, Secretary
Minutes – NW Trek Fun Club
(FMCA Rally Albany, Or.)
6/10/05 – Albany
An emergency meeting of the NWTFC, with 15 coach members present, was held to elect a Temporary Voting Delegate to attend the Minot, ND FMCA rally on behalf of the club. There was a nomination and second for Jan Van den Broek, who was unanimously elected.
The Nominating Committee, consisting of Bob & Peggy Beers and Greg Hollister, presented their recommendation for the 2006 officers:
President Ed Block
Vice President Dean Weibel
Treasurer Jim Isom
A candidate for Secretary has not yet been found. Greg Hollister volunteered to continue as webmaster. Donna Weibel has volunteered to be our historian. Dean Weibel, as nominated Vice President, has agreed to continue the tradition of doubling as Rallymaster. Judy Schindler, as National Director, and Bob Beers, as Alternate National Director, will continue for 1 more year.
Jeanette Block gave a report on the current status of the club pins and patches and continued the discounted cost through June, due to an advantageous buy on the part of the club.
Gene Nemish agreed to be door prize chairman for next years FMCA Regional rally, to be held again in Albany, and asked for volunteers.
Plans were firmed up for the Chapter Parade to be held the next afternoon and our club role in it.
Bob welcomed our new members, Doug & Vera Clark, and announced they are #50!
Meeting was adjourned.
Members present: Beers, Block, Braden/Paschall, Clark, Eddy, Goedde, Hollister, Isom, Keeler, Nemish, Nicholson, Schindler, Turner, Van den Broek, Warren, Weibel
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Braden, Secretary
Minutes – NW Trek Fun Club
(Safari International Rally – Newport, Or.)
The meeting of the NWTFC was called to order and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
President Bob Beers gave a report on the FMCA Albany rally and repeated the nominating committees suggestions for next years officers to be elected at our October rally. By that time, we were able to announce the candidate for Secretary as Barbara Brown.
We discussed the necessity of establishing a schedule for next years rallies and said they would need to be set at the October rally.
After everyone present introduced themselves, the meeting was adjourned so we could hear what Ralph Andrews had to tell us about P-32 Trek problems and other mechanical information. Then Bob Gordon, a candidate for Safari International President gave his views and answered questions.
Members present: Beers, Blocks, Braden/Paschall, Brown, Burch/Harper, Eddy, Rawson, Smith R&V, Van den Broek, Weibel.
Minutes – NW Trek Fun Club
(Ocean Park, Wa. Rally)
The meeting of the NWTFC was called to order by Ken Schindler, on behalf of our absent President Bob Beers. Ken introduced the editors of Trek Talk, Al & Judy Yeast, as visiting guests.
The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and accepted.
Treasurer Pat Bohn gave her report: before rally expenditures, the club has a balance of $322.71.
Ed Block gave a report about the Safari International Newport rally. The next years Safari International Regional rally will be held again at Newport, OR, but will be strictly limited to the first 85 coaches to sign up. Ken Schindler gave a report about the Salem Homecoming rally.
Gene Nemish gave a report on his attendance at the FMCA planning meeting held recently at Moses Lake, in regards to his taking on the chairmanship of the Door Prize Committee for the next years FMCA rally to be held again in Albany. The theme will be Rock and Roll. He will be needing volunteers to help, both in manning the prize booth and in soliciting prize donations, which should be worth a minimum of $25. There was a request of $25 from each chapter to be donated as a prize.
Greg Hollister, our webmaster, told us that although he willingly covered the cost of setting up and maintaining our clubs website for the last year, as of February 2006, we would need to pay $90/year to continue it. It was decided by the members present that it is a valuable and necessary tool for the club and the cost was well justified, and therefore the fee was authorized unanimously. He mentioned that he had changed the format somewhat by removing the discussion forum and event calendar, through lack of use.
The nominating committees suggested slate of officers
President Ed Block
Vice President Dean Weibel
Treasurer Jim Isom
Secretary Barbara Brown
With no further nominations from the floor was accepted by those present. The members present (21), plus the 2 that responded by email, voted unanimously to elect the nominated members as the 2006 officers of the club.
Ed Block asked for some input regarding what the members wanted to see offered in future rallies, with Jeanette Block listing the suggestions on a white board. The resulting interests was as follows:
historical/museums, music, local industry, nature, RV manufacturing/forums, jeeping, GEO-caching, square dancing, progressive rally (ie, a rally involving moving nightly to several different places), event-based rally, crafts, kayak/canoe, fishing/salmon fishing, distant rally, ATV, unstructured, educational meeting, classic/custom cars, Mexico, Alaska.
Penny Braden gave a report on the cost of permanent plastic engraved badges of approximately $7 each or name hangers of approximately $2.50 each. These would cost more than we have in the club account, so it was requested by the members that we consider the inexpensive temporary name badges issued at this rally as our permanent badges, to be brought to each rally. This was unanimously acclaimed as the way to go.
Al & Judy Yeast were requested to give a report on the 2nd National Trek Rally, which is to be held in Sedalia, Missouri June 7-12, 2006; cost is $299 for 5 nights, 4 breakfasts & dinners, etc. The 2004 rally had 225 Treks in attendance and they expect more for 2006.
The meeting was adjourned.
Members present: Block, Braden/Paschall, Brown, Bohn, Bohnert, Duncan, Eddy, Greer, Harris, Hollister, Knight, Nemish, Schindler, Shackell, Sindlinger, Smith R&V, Turner, Tweedie, Warren, Weibel, Wilson.
Guests were: Gary & Sharon Brunner, Doug & Amy Heilman, Bonnie Larsen & Lyle Denning, Dale Olesberg & Charlann Boeschen, Sheldon & Sandy Spencer, Kurt & Marsha Von Dessonneck, Al & Judy Yeast (who joined the next day).
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Braden, Secretary