Northwest Trek Fun Club
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Location: February 19-22, 2006, Burlington, Washington
Meeting called to order: By President Ed Block
Meeting attendance: Twenty-one (including partners), plus proxy votes from six members
Rally Coaches (members): Eight: Beers, Block, Rawson, Braden/Paschall, Brown, Williams, Anderson, Nicholson
Rally Coaches (guests): Two: Randy and Mandy Reitman; John Lettengarver
Members in motel: Weibel
Day Drop-Ins: Three: Greer, Piispanen, Bohn
Cancellations/No-Shows: Eddy, Smith (Kelso), Knight
1.1 Ed Block, President
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Ben and Penny for being wagon masters and to past officers President Bob Beers, Vice President Peggy Beers, Secretary Penny Braden, and Treasurer Pat Bohn. FMCA representative Judy Schindler and Pat Bohn were recognized additionally for holding office of FMCA representative and Treasurer, respectively, in both 2005 and 2006.
Gift Packs: President Block assembled gift bags from items donated to the Club by FMCA. He awarded these gift bags to persons who have made significant contributions to our club: Past officers, plus Ben Paschall for co-sponsoring the first 2006 rally and Jeanette Block for her efforts in setting up our chapter fair table at the FMCA Pomona Rally.
New Members: Welcome to Roland and Suzan Williams.
1.2 Dean Weibel, Vice President & Rally Master
Rally Schedule: Dean distributed a 2006 schedule which included known dates for FMCA, NWTFC, National Trek, and Safari International rallies.
Wagon Master Guide and Rally Policy: The revised Wagon Master Guide and Rally Policy were distributed to attending members and forwarded to our webmaster for posting on the website.
Rally Communications/Finances Flow Chart: A chart to define communications and finances flow as they relate to rally planning, approval, cash disbursements, and publicity was drawn up by the Board and posted in the meeting room. It will also appear on the website.
Rally Sites: Dean encouraged members to identify camping sites and restaurants for future rallies. He stated that wagon masters will benefit the club by soliciting assistance from other members. This will provide them training for duties as potential future wagon masters.
1.3 Pat Bohn, Treasurer
General: Our account is now listed under Northwest TREK Fun Club with an assigned Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Checking Balance: $655.23
Expenses: None outstanding
1.4 Barb Brown, Secretary
Minutes: Barabara Brown read the general business meeting minutes of October 7, 2005.
Motion to approve the minutes as read
Approved: Unanimously
1.5 FMCA Representative or Alternate
Bob Beers outlined events of his Independence Pre-Rally to the National Trek Rally in Sedalia, MO. Complete information is posted on our website.
1.6 WebmasterReported by Ed Block
State of the Website: Webmaster Greg Hollister submitted a State of the Northwest TREK Fun Club Website report. This report was posted in the meeting room for all members to read and also appears on the NWTFC website. Newly added features include:
–A rally attendance feature where members may enter their intent to attend different rallies. (Note: In a recent update, the information was wiped out. Members are encouraged to access the rally attendance list and re-enter their names.)
–A New Members Only login security system
–A TREK brochures section with down load feature
–An online new member application system routed directly to the club secretary.
1.7 FMCA NorthwestReported by Ed Block
Prize Committee Albany: Our club has been tasked to head up the prize committee at Albany. Gene and Carol Nemish, assisted by Bob Beers, who did such an outstanding job at least years rally, will be assisted this year by Ed Block. A list of potential sponsors is being developed. Each chapter (there are 34) will be asked to donate $25 to the prize kitty. Volunteers to solicit gifts from potential donors are needed. Volunteers may contact Gene Nemish. This year vendor packets will contain an invitation flyer to donate.
1.8 Chapter Fair, AlbanyJeanette Block
NWTFC Display: Jeanette developed a display which she will take to Albany. She is in charge of all NW chapter displays.
Parade: Depending on attendance, we will march with signs of enlarged 45 RPM records with NW TREK Fun Club spelled on the backsdressed in 50s attire.
2.1 FMCA NW Rally Albany Parking
Assembly Plans: President Block stated that it is necessary for NWTFC coaches to enter the fair grounds as a group in order to be parked together. He is evaluating places to assemble and disconnect toads. He and Gene Nemish will attend a planning meeting to finalize the caravan and prize booth plans. Champoeg Park has been suggested as one assembly point.
3.1 Amendment to Standing Rules
Meeting FMCA publication deadlines: President Block explained that in order for our club to meet the FMCA deadlines for reporting the names of new officers, our Standing Rules time lines require adjustment. The rules currently read, The nominating Committee will provide a slate of potential officers for each office to the membership by November 15 and members will submit their completed ballots to the secretary by December 15.
FMCAs bi-annual directory requires new officer information by November 1. Therefore, the election procedure is proposed to read, The nominating committee will provide the membership with a slate of potential officers for each office by September 25. Open nominations will close October 1, at which time a finalized roster of nominees will be provided to the membership. Members must have voted on our website or have completed ballots to the club secretary by October 25.
Motion to approve the amendment
Approved: Unanimously
3.2 Club GoodiesJeanette Block
Jeanette brought a supply of embroidered hats and bags which were quickly snapped up by members at very reasonable prices. A description of available club goodies is listed on the website. Items may be ordered directly from our vendor by using the website.
4.3 Future RallyRon Rawson
Ron Rawson proposed to act as wagon master for a fall wine TREKing trip up the Okanogan Valley. He stated there are 60 wineries located in British Columbia along a 50-mile stretch. He suggested the rally could last up to two weeks as it journeyed North and that members could join for any length of time at any point in the trip. He and Ginny will make a scouting trip in May or June and will return with a proposed schedule.
Motion to adjourn
Approved: Unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Brown, Secretary
March 7, 2006
General Business Meeting Minutes
Champoeg State Park Pre-Rally To FMCA-NW Rally, Albany, Oregon
7:30 PM; June 6, 2006
President, Ed Block, called a brief NWTFC business meeting at the Champoeg State Park pre-rally to the FMCA-NW Area Rally in Albany.
Ed & Jeanette Block, Ken & Judy Schindler, Roy & Jo Barker, Phyllis & Roger Knight, Lou & Eileen Eddy, Greg & Judy Hollister, Lee & Judy Keeler, and Gene & Carole Nemish.
FMCA prize booth chairs, Gene & Carole Nemish, explained the procedures we will follow at the prize booth. The process of obtaining gifts and description of some of the gifts were explained to the folks attending the Albany rally for the first time. Gene then asked for volunteer help Thursday through Saturday with booth setup and to cover the nine 2-hr. shifts.
Eileen volunteered to help Jeanette at our Chapter Fair club display on Thursday.
Ed presented the plan for our 9-coach caravan to Albany’s fairgrounds for the FMCA NW rally.
None discussed at this meeting.
Minutes recorded by Judy Schindler.
Northwest Trek Fun Club
General Membership Meeting Minutes
Date/Location: June 10, 2006Albany, Oregon (FMCA-NW Rally)
Meeting called to order: By President Ed Block
Meeting attendance: Twenty (including partners and member drop-ins)
Rally Coaches (members): Nine: Block, Barker, Brown, Eddy, Hollister, Keeler, Knight, Nemish, Schindler
Rally Coaches (guests): None
Day Drop-Ins Isoms; Guests, LeRoy & Bev Haven (purchasers of Eds old Trek)
Cancellations/No-Shows: None
1.1 Ed Block, President
Nominating CommitteeThe Nominating Committee, consisting of Dean Weibel, Penny Braden, and Kathy Isom, are working to bring a slate of candidates for 2007s officers. The FMCA guidelines require that our elected officer slate be presented to them by November 15. Ed invited anyone interested in running for office to contact the committee. In our General Membership Meeting of February 19 an amendment to our election procedure was approved as follows: The nominating committee will provide the membership with a slate of potential officers for each office by September 25. Open nominations will close October 1, at which time a finalized roster of nominees will be provided to the membership. Members must have voted on our website or have completed ballots to the club secretary by October 25.
Recognition– Ed presented gift bags to Greg Hollister and Judy Schindler for their services to NWTFC. Greg developed and maintains an awesome website for the club. Judy has served as our FMCA representative for the past two years.
Special thanks to Carole and Gene Nemish who organized and oversaw the FMCA-NW Gift Booth for 2005 and 2006. Over 90 gifts were collected from various donors this year. Everyone agreed it was more than a bang-up job.
New Members: Welcome to Roy and Jo Barker, new members from Northern California.
1.2 Barb Brown, Secretary
Minutes: The minutes from the February 19-22, 2006, General Membership Meeting in Burlington, WA, are posted on the website.
Motion to approve the minutes: Nemish
Seconded: Block
Approved: Unanimously
3.1 FMCA National Rally2007
Ed reported that the 2007 FMCA-NW Rally will be cancelled in deference to the FMCA National Rally, which will be held in Redmond, OR. Ed urged members to indicate their interest in attending the FMCA National Rally on our website. Getting an estimate of NWTFC attendees will allow Ed to determine how much manpower we can contribute to the rally. Donzella will suggest a list of activities, which we will broadcast to the membership. Ed would like to be able to commit our support at a September meeting he will attend in Toppenish, WA.
3.2 Future Rallies
Fall 2006Ron and Ginny Rawson will travel up The Okanogan Valley on July 5 to explore RV parks for the September 27 to October ? More details to come.
Spring 2007Tulip Festival in the Skagit River/La Conner, WA, area is on tap as proposed by Roland and Suzan Williams.
Fall 2007A Diamond Lake rally has been proposed by Dick and Nancy Harris and John and Marie Turner.
3.3 Term of Office
Ed stated he would like to see the term for the Executive Board be extended from one year to two years. He feels that a newly elected officer has just begun to know the job when his/her one-year term ends. Such a change would require a quorum vote. He plans to bring the matter up for discussion and vote at a future time.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: P. Knight
Seconded: G. Nemish
Approved: Unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Brown, Secretary
June 16, 2006
Email Business Meeting & Election of Officers
October 20, 2006
The meeting was called to order by President Ed Block via posting of meeting content to the Clubs website 10/20/06.
Presidents Opening Comments:
President Block recognized the contributions of members taking part in the email meeting; rally organizers, Beers and Rawsons; the nominating committee members, Dean Weibel, Kathy Isom and Penny Braden; the Nemishes for chairing the 2006 FMCA-NW price committee, the Executive team of Dean Weibel, Pat Bohn, and Barb Brown; and Greg Hollister, NWTFC Webmaster.
Agenda Item 1: Club Officers Term DurationPresident Block feels the club would benefit by some overlap of the terms of club officers and proposed consideration of the following two options:
Option #1
Creating a two-year term for all club offices and having the secretary and president elected in opposite cycles from the treasurer & VP. This amendment to our standing rules would guarantee the incoming officers an easier transition in maintaining continuity from one administration to the next and the benefit of their experience.
Option #2
Change our standing rules to have the Vice President assume the Presidents position upon satisfactory completion of a one-year term as VP. This would guarantee the clubs always having an experienced board member in the role of President and assure continuity between administrations. This option may be preferred if the duties of Rally Master were not included in the position of VP. . . and treated as a separate board position.
Input was received from members who responded to the website link for comments and are printed verbatim below.
Bob & Peggy Beers
Option 1: We support this item as it provides good continuity for the club management.
Option 2: We feel that having the Pres/VP position as a four year commitment is a very good idea. We also agree that with this change the Rally Master should be a seperate office or committee position. When Bob was Summer Games Director for WA Special Olympics the position was a six year commitment. 2 years as Alternate, 2 years Director and 2 years as Dir Emeritis.
In other words, we support both options. We would have called these proposals. If we must support only one option, we support option 2.
Jim & Kathy Isom
We would recommend Option Number Two. Another large club we belonged to had the members at large elect a president, VP, Sec, and Treas. with the knowledge that the VP would be the following years president. That gave the club continuity. The upcoming president then nominated a rally master to serve for their year in office. The rally master was not an elected position but served on the board and had full voting rights. The other officers were elected for a one-year period.
Penny Braden
Option #1 I agree with the desire of having continuity, but I see one major draw-back — it was hard enough to get our members to agree to taking office for ONE year and would probably have been impossible to get anyone to commit for TWO years! I don’t think it would be as difficult to convince any of our officers to continue for another year, once they realize that their office is not as demanding on their time as they envisioned prior to holding the office. (It would have been a lot easier to recruit volunteers if there had been a printed job description that could have been referred to.) At this point, my vote would be NO to 2-year terms.
Option #2: This would probably work if we established a new office of Rally Master. A lot of the chapters already have that function as a separate office. I would vote YES to 2 positions, with the VP as a 2-year office.
Ed Block
I prefer Option 2 of Item #1 regarding Terms of Office . . . making the VP job solely that of support for the President (& being in charge of the nominating committee), with the understanding that he/she would serve as Club President the following year. I feel Rally Master should then be a position appointed by the President. Fulfilling the duties of R.M would also involve submitting rally reports to the Executive Board. I’d like the Secretary &/or Treasurer to always consider another year in office for the sake of continuity.
Agenda Item 2: For members facing health challenges & wishing to notify fellow club members, establish a process to notify the President or Secretary of your wishes to broadcast your announcement through email to membership.
Bob & Peggy Beers Very god idea, and we support it.
Penny Braden This years practice of emailing the membership seems to be working well. The only caveat I would attach to this is that any news MUST be okayed first by the person(s) it pertains to BEFORE sending it out.
Agenda Item 3: Amend Standing Rules defining meeting quorum.
Current rules call for a quorum (25%) of the membership to be present for any club general meeting to conduct business and a simple majority (51%) of that number to pass a motion on the floor. Since the FMCA requires two meetings per year of all chapters, and many have a membership that has grown significantly but see less than 25% attending their club rallies, many have adopted a different approach,. allowing the conducting of club business & passing of motions with just those in attendance at any general meeting where a meeting agenda was provided to the entire club membership a month in advance. I recommend we amend our standing rules in like manner, with discussion, ideas and action at our spring general membership meeting.
Bob & Peggy BeersWe support Agenda Item 3.
Penny Braden Concur
Ed Block– As President, I’m well aware of our continued growth in membership and the pressing need to pass new policy defining a meeting quorum (Item #3). Our present quorum limitation prevented us from holding our Annual Meeting at some point during this year’s Okanagan rally.
Looking ahead . . .In ’07, when our club’s last rally of the year falls in September, we can hold a typical Annual Meeting, announce the new candidate roster at that time and ask for ‘write-in candidates’. Next October we’ll then only have the Election of Officers via email.
Agenda Item 4: Club Support from Monaco
I requested and received Monaco support to our club in the form of promotional items, i.e. fleece blankets, insulated cups & key chain flashlights–value? $100-120. These items will be handled similar to the FMCA items . . . promoting club activities and member involvement.
FMCA NW Prize Booth effort, Albany, 06 (G. Nemish)Genes report is pending.
Pending Club Involvement & Chapter Fair Theme, FMCA Convention August, 2007. (E & J Block)
The August heat in Redmond, Oregon, in August guided Judy Schindlers and President Blocks decision in choosing a volunteer commitment indoors. NWTFC will join another moderately small club, the Oregon Trail Drivers, in working the FMCA store, handling stock, displaying merchandise and assisting customers. The training session is set for Aug. 13th.
After learning the theme for this convention Jeanette Block will put together a display board to promote our Trek club at the Chapter Fair. She requested volunteers to assist in setting up and manning the table for this 1-hour event.
Report on Club Goodies (J.Block)–In August all members were sent updated logo window IDs and plastic name badge holders that had the more versatile clip for lanyard use. Also mailed were new laminated name inserts for all members who didnt already have them.
Embroidered logo products (hats, polo shirts, tote bags, etc.) are always available on our club website for direct ordering.
Colorful club logo pins with locking backs are available for just $3 each. Get them directly from Jeanette at our spring rally.
Penny BradenHow many NWTFC pins do we have left before needing to re-order? How much would a re-order cost?
Vice President/Rally Master Report–Dean Weibel, 10/1/06
The NWTFC has had a good year of rallying and having fun together. We had two great rallies planned by members as well as attending other rallies offered by FMCA and SMC.
In February we attended a four day rally at Burlington, WA, with Ben Paschall and Penny Braden as Wagon Masters. It turned out to be cold but clear and the rec hall provided a place for the gatherings and potluck. A dinner at the local casino also was fun.
The other NWTFC sponsored rally was fifteen days in late September
and early October in the Canadian Okanagan wine valley. Wagon masters Ron and Ginny Rawson planned the event. We visited many wineries, did a lot of tasting and camped by lakes in Osoyoos, Oliver, Penticton and Kelowna.
Many members also attended the FMCA NW rally held at Albany, OR in June while several other members trekked to Independence, MO for the NWTFC pre rally to the National Trek rally in Sedalia, MO also held in June. Good times were had at all these events.
Some members attended the Safari NW rally in Newport in late June and others attended the Monaco combined rally in Salem in September.
More detailed reports for all these rallies can be found elsewhere on the website.
All in all, it was a good year of rallies with a lot of fun together and a lot of new friendships made. Next year in early spring, a rally is being planned for the Skagit Valley tulip festival and then in June through August, the Beers are caravanning a rally to Alaska. Should be lots of fun. A late summer rally is also in the works for Diamond Lake area in Oregon. Watch for further information on these upcoming rallies.
Secretarys Membership Report– Barbara Brown, Secretary NWTFC
As of 12/31/05 the NWTFC had 57 paid members. By the March 31, 2006, cut-off date for members to pay their 2006 dues, 50 of the 57 members had renewed. Another paid member expressed wishes to cancel on April 7, leaving 49 active members.
Membership records are kept on a quarterly basis, so as of 9/30/06 five new members had joined our club, making a total membership of 54. During our Okanagan trip one new coach joined and paid 2007 dues. Their addition to the 12/31/06 roster will give us a total membership of 55.
Ive had a great time supporting club communications and membership activity during this past year. It is truly a privilege to work with such a great group of fun-loving and committed folks.
Treasurers Report –Pat Bohn, Treasurer, 9/30/06
Beginning Balance 609.85
New members 40.00
Pins 6.00
Postage 20.00
ID holders mailing 133.92
Balance 9/30/06 501.13
FMCA National Director, Judy Schindler, 10-17-06
Another great FUN year as we live up our name of NW Trek FUN Club! FMCA again provided us with $150 worth of FMCA prizes to give out at our rallies. Our group did another outstanding job at the Prize Booth at the FMCA Albany Rally thanks to the hard work of Gene and Carole Nemish. Jeannette Block presented beautiful Chapter displays for our club at the Pomona and Albany FMCA rallies. We werent able to send a representative to vote on the Governing Board at the far away 2006 FMCA International Rally in North Carolina. Fortunately the majority there voted the way we wanted:
The proposed change in Board Area Representatives function as presented by Don Eversman of FMCA was rejected by the Governing Board;
The proposal to enact term limits for Chapter National Directors was rejected;
The proposal to eliminate the position of Chapter Alternate Directors was also rejected;
The time interval required to notify FMCA Chapter Services of an elected alternate delegate for the Governing Board to any FMCA meeting has been reduced to 21 days.
Next year the FMCA International Rally will be August 14, 15, 16 in Redmond, Oregon, in our own back yard. So well be able to send a representative to vote at the Governing Board and be able to keep up our reputation as an energetic and reliable group! For a bit of a change in volunteer duties for next year, Ed volunteered our group to assist the Oregon Trail Drivers to staff the FMCA Store at the Rally. We will be assisting customers who are making purchases of FMCA merchandise.
Thank you one and all for making our Club FUN and for letting me proudly be your FMCA National Director!
General CommentPenny Braden: This was an intriguing way to handle a business meeting, but I sorely miss the give & take of an in-person meeting. If this method proves to be too difficult/challenging to work, then we need to be sure to schedule a rally in the fall in time to hold a regular ‘personal’ meeting – with plenty of advance notice for the members to plan on attending.
The email meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. on October 25. Comments will be addressed as Unfinished Business at our next business meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Brown, Secretary, NWTFC
November 1, 2006