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2008 Meeting Minutes

NWTFC General Meeting

Campoeg Rally

Minutes for June 2, 2008

President’s remarks:

President Stan Shackell thanked the Keelers for organizing the pre rally and several other members for their help in planning the upcoming rally in Albany.

Officer’s reports:

  1. Treasurer: (I do not have a copy of the Treasurers report)

  2. VP and Rally Master: Lee Keeler gave an update on plans for the Christmas in June rally. He also provided information about the Bones and Beans rally for Sept. 18-21, to be held at their home in Salem. Lee also asked for help in co-ordinating the technical day in Renton.

  3. FMCA Director (Judy Keeler)

Committee Reports:

  1. Membership director: Barb Brown gave a breakdown of the current membership, which indicated we had a total membership of 61.

  2. Webmaster: Greg discussed the new NWTRFC members only forum which went live in May.

  3. Nominating Committee: Penny Braden gave a report on the plans for the next years election process and asked for volunteers to participate either in the nominating committee or as an officer.

Unfinished Business:

Jeanette gave a detailed action plan for the Christmas in June rally and what our club activities would be.

New Business:

Suggestions for rallies for the rest of the year. One member suggested a rally in Centralia. Details to be distributed to the members after the Albany rally.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:

Cherry Hass


NWTFC Business Meeting

Bones & Beans Rally

September 19, 2008

A business meeting was held on Friday September 19, 2008 as part of the Bones & Bean Rally held at the Keeler’s Ranch.

President Stan Shackell called the Meeting to order.

There were 20 members present at this meeting.

Treasurers Report:

President Stan read the treasurers report as of September 15 showing a current balance of $1248.93

Membership Report:

President Stan read the membership report. As of June 30 we had 61 members, and since then have added 2 members for a total of 63

VP Wagon Master Report:

Lee Keeler reported on the upcoming rallies in October. Brazel’s October 23 – 24th and the Renton Technical College participation on Saturday October 25. Lee reported that Bob Beers has agreed to head the Renton School program since he has returned early from his travels.

Helen Anderson is considering a Tulip Festival Rally in April at a RV Resort on the Columbia River near Woodland, Wa. There will be a pre-rally ,assembly, at Champoeg or Keeler’s prior to the June FMCA . Location depends on how wet a spring we have in 2009.

Ed Block had mentioned that they wanted to host a rally in the North Cascades, sometime in the summer.

Stan Shackell discussed the possibility and the costs of having a rally in Vancouver, BC in early September. Seven of the members present said they would be interested in attending. Stan will provide more on this later.

The Keeler’s may do another pre-Monaco rally in September.

As well as these proposed rallies for 2009 the Renton Technical School RV program will be in April and October again.

Nominating Committee Report :

Lee Keeler reported on the nominations for the three opening for 2009-2010, which are:

  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Alternate National Director

The Nominees are:

  • Vice President: Rodger Wright
  • Treasurer: Colleen Wright
  • Alternate Director: Peggy Beers

Lee asked all present if any of them desired to run for one of the positions and there was no additional names brought forward.

FMCA National Director Report:

Judy Keeler reported on the FMCA preparation meeting held in Moses Lake, Washington in September.

The Theme will be “West is Best”.

Volunteers will have different colored scarves to identify them, however the parking group will also have their traditional caps to help them stand out.

$650 has been put into the budget for door prizes. This is not as much as in the past but glad that it has been re-established.

The Registration Fee will be $145.00.

The FMCA Rally will be held at Albany, OR June 4, 5 & 6th, 2009.

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Cherry Hass



NWTFC Business Meeting

Brazel’s In October Rally

October 23, 2008

A business meeting was held on Friday, October 24, 2008 as part of the Brazel’s In October Rally. The meeting was held after dinner at Judy’s Restaurant in Centralia, Washington.

President Stan Shackell called the meeting to order.

There were 21 members present. There were also three couples who are prospective members.

  • Lyle Denning and Bonnie Larsen
  • Bob and Sandra Gilson
  • David and Sue Pierce
  • Stan and Barb Shackell
  • Ken and Helen Anderson
  • Dean and Donna Weibel
  • Terry DallaSanta
  • Ken and Judy Schindler
  • Russ and Maxine Warren
  • Joey and Mercy Jacobsen
  • Bob and Linda Fitzgerald
  • Don and Jane Helminiak
  • Bob and Judy Alonzo
  • Lee and Judy Keeler

Business Meeting:

President Stan welcomed everyone and thanked Helen Anderson and Lee Keeler for putting together the rally.

Everyone introduced themselves.

There was no unfinished business from the last meeting.

Standing Rules. They are published on the website. It was asked if there were any questions/discussion. There were none. They were approved.

Financial Report: There is $1,248 in the Club account. A question was asked in regards to what the Club funds are used for. A discussion ensued.

Dues invoices will be sent next month.

Membership: The Club has approx. 63 members.

Club Badges. President Stan asked everyone to wear their Club badges. These can be ordered from the Club website.

Rallies: Lee Keeler reported on the upcoming rallies.

Renton Technical School – tomorrow, October 25, 2008. Bob Beers and I will be representing our Club at the school. Bob will be conducting a class on boon docking and the internet and Judy and Lee will be conducting a class on RV websites. As a Club project, we will participate each time the school has the RV training. This training is usually in October and April.

Woodland Tulip Festival. April 2009. Helen Anderson is putting together a rally which will coincide with the FMCA planning meeting in April.

Pre-rally to FMCA June 2009 Rally – West Is Best. This will either be at Champoeg or Keeler’s.

August/September 2009 – Ed Block has talked about hosting a rally in the northern Cascades.

September 2009 – Stan and Barb Shackell have talked about hosting a rally in Vancouver, B.C.

October 2009 – Renton Technical School.

Elections: Lee Keeler reported the positions open and the candidates to-date

  • Vice President position: Rodger Wright – two year term
  • Treasurer position: Colleen Wright – two year term
  • Alternate National Director: Peggy Beers – two year term
  • Secretary: No candidate – one year term to finish out Cherry Haas term.

The floor was opened for additional candidates. Terry DallaSanta volunteered to finish Cherry’s term. There were no other volunteers and the floor was closed.

Greg will post the ballot on-line – there is one vote per coach.

Other Business: Sandy Gilson, the Club Historian, asked the group to pose for a “class” picture. (This picture, as well as others from the rally, is already in the Club album).

Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Judy Keeler