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2011 Meeting Minutes



May 30, 2011

Time:  1:20 p.m.

Conducted By:  President Penny Braden

In Attendance:  Penny Braden and Ben Paschall, Rodger and Colleen Wright, Doug and Vera Clark, Herb Quong and Karen Goucher, Ed and Jeanette Block, Tom and Brenda Walton, Dean and Donna Weibel, Al and Virginia Zimmerman, Bob and Linda Fitzgerald, Chuck and Barb Hasman, Lee and Judy Keeler


  1. Election of Club Officers:
  • Election of Club officers for 2012 – 2013 will be for the following positions:

o   President

o   Secretary

o   National Director

  • Volunteers are needed for these positions.  Please talk with President Penny Braden or Vice President Nancy Harris if you are willing to serve in one of these positions.
  1. Member Information:
  • Please check the Club website to confirm your information is correct.
  • Please provide your cell phone number.
  • Please provide a picture as well if you do not currently have a picture on the website.
  • Please email this information to Mary Carlson.

 3.       Future Rally Ideas:

  • Penny asked the group to suggest locations for future Club rallies.  The following places were suggested:

o   Salt Creek Campground

o   McMinnville, Oregon – two different campgrounds were suggested

o   Kimball Creek

o   Gold Beach

o   Whaler’s Rest

o   Barge up the Columbia River

o   A winery, possibly in eastern Washington state

Penny asked that we have volunteers to organize some rallies for next year.

Penny asked the members if anyone would be attending the Safari International Rally in Welches, Oregon in late July.  This also may be a possible location for a future Club rally.

  1. International Convention in Madison, Wisconsin – August 2011:

Our Club will have a temporary delegate at the Madison convention in August.  Our National Director and Alternate National Director are unable to attend.

Penny has asked Karen Smith to represent our Club at this meeting.  She asked the members for approval, Doug Clark moved to approve, Ed Block seconded the motion.  The Club vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

  1. FMCA Magazine:

Penny suggested that we keep the inserts in the magazine to handout to potential new FMCA members.

The “Dozen Does It” program is still in effect for 2011.  Penny has the forms for anyone who needs them.

  1. Caravan to Albany:

Wednesday morning – June 1, 2011

Penny has made arrangements with the people at the Salem Campground for those who will need to dump, need water or propane.  Directions to the campground will be provided.

Penny stated that the coaches will assemble in the east parking lot of Home Depot (which is east of the campground) at 9:30 a.m.  Your caravan “number” will be given to you at that time.  Your caravan number and your “Volunteer” identification placard should both be taped onto your motorhome windshield.

Penny stated the caravan will pick up five more coaches at the rest area south of Salem.  She will leave early and drive to the rest area to assemble those coaches and provide them with their “caravan” number.

Penny asked if anyone had additional questions or items to bring before the group.  There were none.

The meeting concluded at 2:05 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Judy Keeler

National Director

NWTFC Business Meeting

26 August 2011

Port Townsend

The meeting was called to order by President Penny Braden at 7:00 PM following our traditional potluck dinner for the 20 coaches participating at the Port Townsend Rally.

Colleen Wright presented the Treasurer’s Report indicating that we had $2345 at the beginning of the year. Income, mostly from dues, totaled $246; and there was a total of $153 in miscellaneous expenses. As of 18 August, we had $2438 in the bank. Additional funds will be dispersed to cover the costs incurred by Wagonmasters Ron Mahugh and Mary Burchett for this Port Townsend Rally.

Vice President Nancy Harris introduced Nominating Committee members Stan Shackell and Bob Beers. Three positions need to be filled for the coming two-year period: President, FMCA National Director, and Secretary. John Turner stepped forward to fill the position of President, Judy Keeler agreed to continue as the National Director, and the floor was opened for nominations or volunteers for the position of Secretary. Ken Anderson, current Secretary, described the general duties and responsibilities of the position and Ken Schindler volunteered his services. Having a full slate in hand, President Penny Braden stated that official elections will take place in October by email.

Reporting for the Sunshine Committee, Penny Braden related that Jan van den Broek had fallen from the roof of his Trek, was hospitalized, and is now at home recovering. Ben Paschall had shoulder joint replacement surgery 3 weeks ago, is present here, and is recovering nicely. Terry Baker had total knee replacement eight weeks ago and was getting around well at the rally.

Penny also reported that she and Ben will be sponsoring a rally at Brazel’s October 26th -31st. More details will follow shortly. Members should refer to the club web-site and Trek Tracks. Rallies for 2012 include Quartzite, January 23rd-26th; a Pre-Rally with the Keelers prior to the FMCA Rally in Coos Bay, Oregon, June 21st-24th; a potential rally organized by Blocks; and another by Andersons and O’Bannons later on in the year.

The club has a significant amount of money in the treasury and we are looking for good ideas to spend/reduce it for the benefit of the entire organization so that we maintain our non-profit status. Please email Penny Braden – – with your ideas & feed-back regarding this matter. Proposals advanced included (1) that we budget $100 toward rally expenses for each rally (John Turner); (2) during the 10th anniversary year (2014) for the club we could budget an amount to cover the expense of a special rally (Stan Shackell); (3) the Rally Sponsor’s camping site fee could be paid by the club to encourage volunteers (Judy Schindler); (4) a temporary dues moratorium for all active members as of Dec. 31, 2011. The net result would be that currently active members would have credit for 2012 dues (Executive Board). The earlier proposal to purchase a defibrillator for use at rallies was dropped because of potential liability issues and logistics problems.

As in the past we will have an Open House/Coach Review with no set schedule, just leave your porch light on if you wish to participate. If you wish to purchase club badges, order on-line through Jeannette Block. You can also make your own business card through the website. Badges and business cards are available in the Members Only section. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.

Present for the meeting and the rally were the following: Ron Mahugh and Mary Burchett, Penny Braden and Ben Paschall, Dick and Nancy Harris, Rodger and Colleen Wright, Lee and Judy Keeler, Bob and Peggy Beers, Ken and Helen Anderson, John and Marie Turner, Ken and Judy Schindler, Bob and Judy Pinney, Terry and Lynne Baker, Bob and Judy Alonzo, Stan and Barb Shackell, Gary and Irva Cooper, Dean and Sue Bjornson, Richard and Lois Piispanen, Nick and Teri Alvanos, Ed and Judy Gallup, Dick and Lizz O’Bannon, Doug and Judy Gremmel, Steve and Marilyn Bonkowski, Wayne and Cheryl Burchett.

Submitted by Ken Anderson, Secretary

NWTFC Business Meeting

28 October 2011

Centralia, WA


President Penny Braden called the Business Meeting to order following dinner at Judy’ Country Kitchen in Centralia, WA, at approximately 7:30 PM on 28 October 2011.

She presented two recommendations from the Executive Board to spend down the funds in our treasury. The first was to put a moratorium on dues for the next year for all members who had joined the club prior to 1 October 2011. New members will continue to pay their dues when they join the club. The new Executive Board and general membership will address a continued moratorium next year. This recommendation was approved by the members present.

The second recommendation was that site fees be paid for Wagonmasters (sponsors) of rallies for the next two years (2012 and 2013). Purpose of the recommendation was to encourage members to volunteer for rally sponsorship. This recommendation was also approved by the membership present.

Penny then introduced the new slate of officers for the North West Trek Fun Club.

  • President – John Turner
  • Vice President – Nancy Harris
  • Secretary – Ken Schindler
  • Treasurer – Colleen Wright
  • FMCA National Director – Judy Keeler
  • FMCA Alternate National Director – Peggy Beers

John Turner praised outgoing officers for their efforts and their contributions to the club for the last two years. He also thanked those who will continue to serve with him over the next few years.

Penny thanked past Wagonmasters for their efforts in getting rallies together for the benefit of the entire club. All of them are volunteers and should receive the highest accolades from the club. Penny encouraged others to step up because without these volunteers, our club will not continue to enjoy the success it has experienced over the last seven years.

Ed Block stepped forward and gave us an outline of what can be expected at the Rogue River Adventure at Gold Beach, Oregon, August 20-23, 2012. A pre-rally registration fee of $90 is due to him for a deposit not later than 20 November. Particulars on the rally and registration are on the website ( David Pierce outlined information about the rally at Quartzite, Arizona January 20-24, 2012. Finally, the Northwest Area FMCA Rally, Cruise to Coos Bay, is listed on the website and is scheduled for June 21-24, 2012.

Penny thanked Judy and her daughter for the excellent dinner and then entertained a motion to conclude the business meeting. It was so moved, seconded, and approved unanimously at approximately 8:30 PM.

Virtually everyone stayed on for dessert and more socializing.

Respectfully submitted,

Ken Anderson