NWTFC Business Meeting Minutes
Winchester Bay Rally
June 16, 2012
A business meeting was held on Saturday, June 16, 2012, as part of the Winchester Bay Pre-Rally.
President John Turner called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. There were 21 members in attendance.
- Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Colleen Wright provided the report. The beginning balance at the start of this year was $3,400.16. Total income for the period Jan 1, 2012 to May 31, 2012 was $6,525.08. Total expenses were $1,306.00. The ending balance as of May 31, 2012 was $8,619.24. Colleen’s complete report is attached.
- Nominating Committee: John reported that Nancy, Penny and Bob comprise the nominating committee. A slate of nominees is in progress.
- National Director Report: National Director Judy Keeler reported that the NW Area National VP position is open. Andy Balogh ran unopposed and Judy voted for him on our behalf. Judy also reported the votes of NWTFC members on the question of whether FMCA should change their Bylaws to allow other than motorhome type of RVs to have FMCA membership privileges. The results of the survey are attached. Judy also announced that several officer positions in FMCA are open and that all FMCA members can choose to run.
- Secretary’s Report: Secretary Ken Schindler reported that we have 73 members.
- Safari International (SI) Delegate Report: SI National Director Bob Beers reported that almost all other clubs have lost membership but we are the exception. The National Rally is in August. Electronic meetings are being discussed and new Robert’s Rules have been published addressing this subject. FMCA has decided to go along with the Robert’s Rules proposals. Apparently electronic meetings will need a method of immediate communication (such as Skype) rather than emails. The 50th FMCA anniversary will occur at the Gillette, WY Rally in June 2013. SI will have a 25th Anniversary Rally in Rapid City, SD, just after the FMCA Rally.
Old Business:
- Chapter Bylaws: NWTFC Bylaws need to be modified to be accordance with current FMCA Bylaws. A quorum of our members is needed to vote on John’s proposals. There will be the necessary quorum at the Rogue River Rally this August.
- Officer Job Descriptions: Mary Carlson and Bob Beers are proposing necessary updates. The Executive Board will vote on these changes at the Rogue River Rally.
New Business:
- NWTFC Chapter Fair at upcoming NW Area FMCA Rally: President John asked for volunteers to contact him.
- Rogue River Rally: Spaces have opened up. Check the website for availability or contact Ed and Jeanette Block directly.
Future Rallies: President John asked members to step up and sponsor rallies in 2013. Bob and Peggy Beers will put together a pre-rally prior to the FMCA Gillette Rally in June 2013. Bob is also working on a rally for this Fall. We need to have someone step forward with an idea for a fall rally where we can have a business meeting and introduce our nominees for this year’s election. Since our other two rallies this year are both in Oregon, it would be good if the fall rally could be in Washington someplace. John says “Come on Wagon Masters, step up and volunteer to put something together! Our club only stays strong and stays together by the hard work of its members. Each and every one of you is capable of hosting a rally. If you take on the job as Wagon Master and need help, there are others that will step up to help you.” John also reminded us that it isn’t too early to think about a 2013 Rally and thanked us in advance. Chuck asked how to find out if members are interested in a rally. Gene Nemish said to get the information to Mary Carlson so that she can put out the word.
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM
NWTFC Business Meeting Minutes
Gold Beach, OR
August 23, 2012
Meeting called to order at 9 AM by President Turner. Forty-two members and four guests, representing 23 coaches were present. John thanked Jeanette and Ed Block for providing an outstanding rally. He also welcomed first time rally-goers.
The minutes of the June 16, 2012 business meeting were presented.
M/S: Unanimous approval by members in attendance.
Treasurer’s Report by Colleen Wright: Beginning balance as of January 1, 2012 was $3400. Ending balance as of today was $2077. See attached report. We have 5 new members.
M/S: Unanimous approval by members in attendance.
Nominating Committee Report by Nancy Harris: Nancy, Penny Braden and Bob Beers have provided candidates for consideration for the 2013-2014 period as follows: V. P., Helen Anderson; Treasurer, Colleen Wright; Alternate FMCA National Director, Peggy Beers. In addition, Penny Braden and Nancy Harris will be candidates for the 2013 Nomination Committee.
Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the October Business Meeting.
FMCA National Director Report: Bob Beers, National Director for Safari International presented the report for Peggy Beers. Bob indicated that FMCA continues to lose members. However, our Club is the exception.
Old Business:
Officer’s job descriptions changes are still in process.
Chapter Bylaw changes: Secretary Ken has sent all of the proposed changes to all members for review. Changes were discussed at this meeting.
M/S: Unanimous approval by members present.
New Business:
Future Rallies: John reminded members that any plans for future rallies should be planned with oversight by Rallymaster, Gene Nemish.
Bob Beers reported on the October 2012 Flight Rally. There are opening still available.
Bob Beers reported that he and Peggy are organizing a pre-rally to the FMCA Gillette, WY rally of June 19-22, 2013. He also reported that Safari International is planning a post-rally in Rapid City, SD.
Ron Mahugh asked if members would be interested in another rally at Port Townsend, WA in August 2013. Ron will work with Gene to make sure the timing does not conflict with FMCA NW 2013 Rally in August in Albany, OR.
Mary Carlson reminded members that she has made many helpful changes on our NWTFC website and encouraged all to review the website frequently.
Roger Wright is a moderator on Trek Tracks. He suggested that members regularly check Trek Tracks via our web site for more information.
Adjournment: M/S Unanimous agreement of members present to adjourn meeting at 10 AM.
NWTFC Business Meeting Minutes
Kent, WA
October 18, 2012
Meeting called to order at 7:35 p.m. by President Turner. Twenty-nine members representing 14 coaches were present. The Hendersons did not have their coach. John thanked Bob and Peggy Beers for a wonderful rally. He also had our new members, Rick and Irene Evans introduce themselves. He thanked Robert and Barb Henderson for a great presentation.
The minutes of the August 23, 2012 minutes were presented for approval.
M/S: Unanimous approval by members in attendance.
Treasurer’s – no report
Lacy Planning Meeting (NW Area)
o Summary:
Coos Bay Rally – first time in the ‘black’. The rally made $20,000 (plus). The Casino has asked us to come back.
On-Call is no longer providing FMCAssist insurance – members can purchase this insurance on an individual basis – please read the Executive Director’s article in the November FMCA magazine.
By-Law Changes – an individual can now hold an office in two different FMCA clubs with one exception. One person cannot be a National Director in two different clubs nor can they be an Alternate National Director in two different clubs nor can they be a National Director in one club and an Alternate National Director in a different club.
Paid Volunteer Staff – there no longer will be any paid volunteers at a national rally.
Program to generate new members – the program for new members of your first years dues in FMCA being free has not retained members. The program is changing to the new member paying for the first year and the second year being free.
FMCA Rally Insurance – covers liability. Register the rally as the NWTFC. Contact our National Director to obtain a copy of the insurance for each rally.
Nominating Committee Report – Nancy Harris
o Thanked the Nominating Committee
o Candidates for 2013-2014 are as follows:
- V.P. – Helen Anderson
- Treasurer – Colleen Wright
- Alternate National Director – Peggy Beers
President Turner called for nominations from the floor.
o There were none.
o M/S: Unanimous approval by members in attendance.
o The ballot will be on the web.
o Nominating Committee for next year will be Penny Braden and Nancy Harris.
Old Business:
By-Law changes – submitted to and approved by FMCA. They are posted on the Club’s website. Please review the By-Laws and contact President Turner with any proposed changes.
New Business
Future Rallies:
o FMCA 50th Anniversary – Gillette, Wyoming
- 6/19-23/2013
- Theme – -Mile Marker 50-
- Logo – Sheldon the Turtle
- Our Club has agreed to volunteer for transportation and the FMCA store
- Six couples interested in helping (so far)
- An email will be sent to the membership requesting volunteers
o Bob & Peggy Beers – Pre-Rally – Hardin, MT
- 6/14-16/2013 – more to come
o Safari International – 25th Anniversary
- Rapid City, SD
- 6/24-28/2013
o Albany 2013 Rally
- 8/4-11/2013
- Pre-rally at Evergreen Air Museum
- Our Club has volunteered to do Door Prizes
Club Rallies since 2005 – Al Zimmerman
o Compiled a list of rally sites since 2005 and a list of possible rally sites for future dates. After some discussion, the members present agreed on a rally for May 2013 in either Roseburg, Oregon or Hood River, Oregon.
o Al Zimmerman, Penny Braden and Mary Burchette have all volunteered to host future rallies.
- M/S Unanimous agreement of members present to adjourn meeting at 8:25 p.m.