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2013 Meeting Minutes

NWTFC Business Meeting Minutes

Rally on the Umpqua

May 8, 2013

A business meeting was held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, as part of the Rally on the Umpqua.

President John Turner called the meeting to order at 8:30 PM

Members representing 19 coaches were in attendance.

New members Towry, Wilhelm, and Hopkins were welcomed.

Minutes of prior meeting were approved.


  1. Treasurer:  We now have 57 member coaches and after expenses for this (Umpqua) rally will have a balance of about $2245 in account.   A detailed report is attached.

Old Business:

  1. Roger Wright has volunteered to be appointed Rally Master.  The name of this position will be changed to Rally Coordinator.

New Business:

  1. FMCA Rallies:  Three FMCA-connected rallies will be held this year:  Harding (Safari International), Gillette (FMCA) and Albany (FMCA).  Links to information about these rallies is on the NWTFC website.  At the Albany FMCA rally, Turners and Keelers will be door-prize coordinators.

MOTION:  NWTFC will donate $50 to the FMCA Albany rally.  M/S/A unanimously.

MOTION:  NWTFC will not consider paying for an ad in the FMCA Albany Brochure.  M/S/A unanimously.

  1. Elections:  Helen Anderson, Nancy Harris, and Penny Braden are on the nominating committee.  The offices of President, Secretary, and National Director will be voted on at the end of this year.
  2. Future NWTFC Rallies:
  3.  Port Townsend Rally will be held in August.  More information is on the NWTFC website.
  4. Welches Rally in September 2014 to celebrate the NWTFC 10th anniversary.  Wrights and Blocks will be sponsoring the rally.  Past members, even though they may no longer have RVs, will be invited.

Meeting adjourned at 9 PM.

Point Hudson Rally Business Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by President Turner.  Members representing 20 coaches were in attendance. John thanked Ron Mahugh and Mary Burchett for providing an outstanding rally.  He also welcomed first time rally attendees.

The minutes of the May 8, 2013 business meeting were presented.

M/S/Approved by members in attendance.


Treasurer’s Report:  Read by John.  See attached.

M/S:  Unanimous approval by members in attendance.

Nominating Committee Report:  Helen announced the candidates for consideration for the 2014-2015 period as follows:  President:  Al Zimmerman; Secretary:  David & Sue Pierce.  They are still searching for a National Director candidate. There were no nominations from the floor.  Our bylaws stipulate all nominations must be in by October 1st.

FMCA National Director Report:  Judy attended the National Directors Meeting at the Gillette FMCA Annual Meeting.  FMCA finances are improving.  Judy volunteered our group to staff the FMCA Store at the 2014 Annual Meeting in August at Redmond, Oregon.  The 2015 NW Area FMCA Meeting will be in Coos Bay.

FMCA has encouraged Chapters to hold rallies at FMCA commercial member RV facilities.  If a facility is not an FMCA member, Chapters are encouraged to solicit membership.  Also, FMCA is encouraging individual membership by providing new members with a “buy one, get one free” membership where the second year is provided free after payment of the first year dues.

Old Business:


New Business:  Rallies

Rally Coordinator, Roger Wright, has written a questionnaire soliciting member preferences for future rallies. Mary reported that 27 coach members have completed the questionnaires to date.

Members discussed continuing the practice of paying for the site fee for wagon masters.  M/S/A to continue the practice indefinitely.

In honor of the NWTFC’s 10 anniversary, Blocks and Wrights are planning a rally for August 2014.  Tentatively the rally will be at Welches and all present and past members will be invited.

Keelers are planning a pre-FMCA Annual rally gathering in August 2014.

Ron Mahugh mentioned that the Port of Port Townsend Commissioners tried to charge $150 per night fee for the meeting room for this rally, but he already had a written contract preventing this charge.  The Port Commissioners also want to charge a $700 up-front fee for any future rallies at Point Hudson.  M/S/A to have Ron and Ken draft a letter to the Commissioners citing the hardship and discouragement that will have on any plans for future rallies at this site if these issues cannot be resolved for future rallies.

Announcements:  None.

Adjournment:  M/S/A to adjourn meeting at 8 PM.