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2021 Rally on the Cowlitz

June 18 – 21, 2021

Wagon Masters
Al & Elaine Zimmerman
Tom & Jolene Selvidge

Thirteen coaches joined together for the Rally on the Cowlitz in June.  This was the first rally for the NW Trek Fun Club since 2019 (not counting the Quartzite gathering in January of 2020).  People were really looking forward to meeting and discovering how everyone survived the pandemic. 

There were still some lingering COVID restrictions – we were not able to use the club house for meetings or meals.  With Al’s Coleman stoves, the meals were as good as ever.  Friday began with the customary heavy hors d’oeuvres potluck.  No one went hungry with all the goodies available to eat.  The evening’s activity was a “Chase the Ace” game.  The cards were dealt, the cards exchanged, and those with the lowest card forked a quarter into the pot.  Everyone started with three quarters.  The big winner in the end was Jack Lindhorst.

Saturday began with a breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage.  Morning appetites were healthy and there were few leftovers.  The afternoon activity was to be a trip to the Cedar Creek Grist Mill, however the COVID restrictions did not allow the mill to open.  Lots of free time meant more fellowship and side trips to Lake Sacajawea, and Mt. St. Helens.

Dinner was a catered BBQ dinner from the Hop-N-Grape in Longview.  Beef brisket, pulled pork, and pulled chicken along with several salads provided good eats for all.  After dinner Dannielle Robins from the Cowlitz County Museum provided a program on the many uses of the cedar tree by the local tribes of Native Americans. 

On Sunday Penny Paschall joined the rally for the day.  She was just in time for the first NWTFC Corn Hole tournament.  Two of our newcomer couples (Craig and Vicki Hilfiger and Scott and Carolyn Carpenter) advanced to the final rounds.  The winners of the tournament were Jack and Joann Lindhorst (They cleaned up at this rally!) Dinner was Caesar salad with chicken and asparagus followed by ice cream.  President Mike brought an update on NWTFC business.

Following a continental breakfast on Monday, people leisurely left for various destinations – some to the FMCA convention in Gillette, others for home, and some to continue their journey.  We all miss being together at a rally with the fellowship and good times.  Step up to help plan a rally – we will all support you!

Pictured in these photos with a plethora of photo-worthy pets, are:  


Wagonmasters:  Al & Elaine Zimmerman & Tom & Jolene Selvidge
Ed & Jeanette Block
Craig & Vicki Hafliger
John & Marie Turner
Lee Buckley & lifelong friend, Bob Edwards
Dick Nancy Harris
Scott & Carolyn Carpenter, new members
Ron Mahugh
Mike & Lynn Ashbridge
Jack & Joanne Lindhorst
Gary & Irva Cooper
Penny Paschall – visitor