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Brooks ‘Antique Powerland PreRally’ 2016


antique powerlandANTIQUE POWERLAND

2016 RALLY


June 19 – 22 

(4 nights)


(just north of Salem)

On the 23rd those attending the FMCA NW Area Rally

June 23-26 will caravan to Albany


Antique Powerland is located 1/4 mile from I-5. Take exit 263. Information from their website (

There are more than 15 different museums and societies all with some connection to horsepower or transportation. If looking at the history of bulldozers and crawlers of Caterpillar isn’t enough, then one building over there is the Northwest Vintage Car and Motorcycle Museum where you can see and learn about old cars and motorcycles. There are many aspects of the last 150 years of Oregon industry.

There are some hookups. However, if the ground is very wet, dry camping on gravel will be the option. 

Wagon masters: Pat and Tom Wilhelm.  Please contact Pat soon to let her know if you are interested. 


Phone: 503-400-1921

Antique Powerland Rally Flyer and Registration Form