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Centralia ‘Brazel’s RV Rally’ 2010

Brazel’s RV, Centralia, WA
October 27-31, 2010

Nineteen TREKs descended on Brazel’s RV Park on Wednesday, October 27th to renew friendships at our rally hosted by Penny Braden and Ben Paschall in Centralia, WA. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Brazel’s, they are probably the premier RV repair and performance shop on the west coast. Al, Chris, Mike, Allan, Kathy and the staff replaced recalled brakes on many of the coaches while others of us took advantage of their expertise and replaced refrigerators, repaired leaks, and installed lotsa improvements on our rigs. We exchanged stories, met new members, and generally enjoyed ourselves at Happy Hours and meals that we shared.

President Penny Braden chaired our business meeting, introducing the new officers of the NWTFC and outlining some plans for the next year while we enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant. The Halloween mask contest closed out our Brazel’s-sponsored steak dinner on Friday evening.

We had some really nice weather, but the featured Chariot Races(aka Golf Cart Races) had to be cancelled because of rain on Saturday. Saturday night we shared the culinary talents of every coach with the traditional potluck dinner – Yum!  Following a continental breakfast on Sunday, we hit the road for either more adventures or the return home.