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Ocean City 2007

NWTFC RALLY, OCT. 5-7, 2007
Western Horizon’s Ocean Shores RV Resort
Ocean City, Washington

Wagonmasters: Lee & Judy Keeler greeted attendees to their Western Horizon’s ‘home park.’


Bob & Peggy Beers, Roger & Phyllis Knight, Ed & Jeanette Block, Jack & Joann Lindhorst, Bob & Barbara Brown, Ben Paschall & Penny Braden, Doug & Vera Clark, Dean & Donna Weibel, Frank Kummerfeldt & Lorraine Gabel ,Guests: Gerry & Cathy Hyndman

Early October on the coast was a mix of gorgeous sunny days and drenching downpours! Most joined lawn chair circles to chat or walked resort trails — and when weather changed, turned to visiting in Treks and at clubhouse activities. A short drive away was a great stretch of sandy beach, a performance kite shop, a few upscale seaside stores – and the Quinault Beach Casino. Our campsites were in two loops amid lovely hemlock & fir at this fine RV Resort. The club house facility was excellent but a bit of a walk for our evening activities when it rained–but Clarks, Browns & Beers happily hit the road in any weather. Most carpooled!

Lee & Judy’s rally ‘opener’ was an appetizer social at the clubhouse. The room was inviting & comfortable and there was an abundance of good munchies — a fine setting to chat and meet fun-loving rally guests, the Hyndmans, from Lady Smith, BC on a quest to find a 1998, ’99 or 2000 Trek, and Frank Kummerfeldt & Lorraine Gabel who own a 2000 Trek and live at the air park (pilots of course) in Independence, Oregon & travel south in winter. Conversation turned to camping at Quartzsite, AZ – maybe attending SWTFC’s rally. Jeanette provided the club’s photo album dating back to the Okanogan Wine Trek for all to enjoy. Frank & Lorraine joined our club that evening! Signup & price for generous clubhouse breakfasts and a special evening meal on Saturday was brought to our attention.

For this first night’s dinner, several couples already had reservations for the popular, Friday seafood buffet at Emily’s, at the casino, so early calls were made to include another five couples. Upon arrival it was soon obvious all knew each other!! – so the wait staff nicely seated us all at two tables in a party area near the buffet. Glasses & plates were soon full and between sips & forkfuls, conversation was lively!

Saturday, found us donning rain gear and avoiding puddles, but enjoyed each other’s company at the clubhouse – enjoying a fine ‘Lighthouse Galley’ bacon, scrambled egg & pancake breakfast. Then till 4 pm it was a ‘do your own thing’ kind of day. When all gathered again, President Ed held a short business meeting following the same agenda as the Sept. meeting in Salem. Additional comment was sought on a couple topics of ‘unfinished business’ and the list of candidates for the open offices was approved as presented with the vote scheduled for Oct. 18-25 on-line. Ed will chair the club’s Prize Booth effort at spring’s FMCA NW rally in Albany and was pleased with the volunteer signup response.

Western Horizon provided an outstanding roast beef dinner which they did just because of our group’s presence. Weekend meal service normally ends Sept. 30. They also provided entertainment performed by two sisters (Kit-Kat) who played guitar and harmonized, giving us “a little bit of country and a little bit of rock ‘n roll!” It was humor and music typical for a nightly summer campfire — fun and relaxing.

Sunday morning most everyone gathered for a breakfast of flakey biscuits with meaty sausage gravy. Eight couples headed out early Sunday and Ed & Jeanette hit the road after lunch seemingly taking the rain with them as the squall continued south. Sunshine returned for Browns & Keelers who stayed on another fine day.

Submitted By: (Report/photos): Lee Keeler/ J. Block