Block’s Shake-Down Trip/California Rally Highlights (March/April 06):
Jeanette & I took our new 29 RBD Trek on quite a rigorous shake-down trip. We snaked along Hwy 1 & 101 to Petaluma & San Francisco. Walked out to the windy Point Reyes Lighthouse and visited wineries & missions before taking in two RV rallies. Afterwards we took in some of the Los Angeles sights and visited family friends –enjoying Disneyland’s terrific, nightly fireworks from our rain-soaked campground.
We had far better weather in Arizona. We looked up old friends in Tucson, enjoyed some good restaurants and took the Jeep on the beautiful drive up Mt. Lemon. If you enjoy twisty, steep, mountain driving, may I recommend Hwy 89A to Sedona!! In that region we found interesting Jeeping & hiking trails and old mining towns. While I was focused on walls of red rock & miles of brush & cacti, seems Jeanette managed to find us a great campground (LoLoMai Springs near Sedona), and spotted more art galleries, baskets and pottery.
The trip back through Las Vegas & Oregon was pretty ho-hum. Don’t you just love driving a straight road like Nevada’s Hwy 93 — when the only excitement is the view of snowy mountains & dinner in a jail cell — I believe the old jail is now Ely’s Jailhouse Steak & Pub.
Our new Trek handled & performed great!
California Rally Highlights:
The Rving highlights on our trip were the Safari International Victorville Pre-Rally (a fun time on old Route 66) and FMCA’s 75th International Convention in Pomona. Jeanette made an eye-catching, informative Chapter Fair display for our club (manned by Bob & Peggy Beers & me) — and she handled inquiries at our FMCANW Region chapter information table. The displays from chapters nationwide offered brutal competition, but we took home a Certificate of Appreciation.
There were palm trees, but few balmy breezes like we had hoped for! Needed that 175 page program book to benefit from everything at that convention! It was one well-organized event & free shuttle transportation to the Fairplex. . . but we often walked. There were RV vendors for everything imaginable! Grandstand entertainment was fine — especially the Bobby Vinton show — and seminars well worth attending, but I enjoyed fellow RVers & our nightly Safari sponsored tailgate parties!
Submitted by: Ed Block