SAFARI International
2007 Pre-Rally
Mt. Hood Village RV Resort
Welches, OR – Aug. 7,8,9 & 10
We found the Safari International pre-rally terrifically entertaining and the camaraderie memorable. SI NW V.P., Missy Heppner, & the NW Safari volunteers gave great support for parking and the wide variety of activities. The Mt. Hood Resort RV Park dedicated several forested campsite loops with full hookups for those attending the rally with full restroom facilities and use of their fine clubhouse and extensive grounds. There were catered meals, business meetings & RV maintenance seminar/tech talks, including Safari Product Highlights, crafts, cooking class, Bingo, social gatherings & amusing outdoor games as well as pre-dinner happy hours, 50/50 raffles & live musical entertainment. Many of us found the sidesplitting, married folks comedy of “Bernie & Red” so amusing we bought their CDs!
Of the 113 couples, NWTFC members were: Lindhorsts, Braden/Paschall, Wrights, Huffmans, Blocks, Van den Broeks, Piispanens, Shackells, Mahugh/Burchett & Nicholsons. As volunteers, Jan & Richard helped with parking, Jean Van den Broek was in charge of the rally’s catering & meal tickets, Lois assisted as needed, and Penny, Joann & Jack, Ed & Jeanette tended bar during the 1st evening’s 2-hour welcoming meeting/social hour. Too bad pouring wine wasn’t compatible with taking photos!
Trek owners from other regions were in attendance as well. Harry & Marie Moran from LaGrande, OR & who winter in Salome, AZ will be joining our club in October. The Browns from Nevada were another fine Trek couple, with kids in our region, whom we may see again. When we met they had just traded in their 2001 24 ft. slope-nose Trek for the nicest ’08 29RBD Trek of three that were on display there. Monaco techs, as always, gave us outstanding service. A S.I. caravan was scheduled for convention parking in Redmond Aug. 11 so the Safari folks could park together for more good times!
Report: J. Block